We're on the move again ... these pics were taken during our last walk down the lane behind our house, on a beautiful sunny day, with nevertheless a bit of a chill in the air. This is the countryside around Lantillac, 8 kms north west of Josselin in Morbihan, Brittany.

We spent the last day, 30 April 2017, in our 400 year old stone tower farmhouse scrubbing, sweeping, vacuuming and mopping. We were exhausted and prone to silliness.

We spent the last day, 30 April 2017, in our 400 year old stone tower farmhouse scrubbing, sweeping, vacuuming and mopping. We were exhausted and prone to silliness.
The giggles started
inside me when I was trundling down the road pushing Alan's wheeled
office chair (which wouldn't fit into Milly without being dismantled)
and my precious antique bar stool perched upside down on top of it,
to be stored for the month at our neighbour's house about 200 metres
away. It wasn't a quiet operation with the noise of the wheels on the
tar surface, so no sneaking down the road taking my chairs for a walk, for me!
Next chore on the list
was to take the recycling to the village bins down the road. Whilst
loading the plastic and glass rubbish into Milly, along with Bridie
who was being banished with me and our muddy paws so Alan could do a
final floor mop, I thought I would connect up the hose and fill our
water tanks ready for the road.
Then we were off.
Bridie, me … and the trailing garden hose … plus the plastic
doo-dah that the hose rolls up onto. Happily bouncing down the
driveway and onto the road. I had forgotten I was busy filling the
tanks before I left! And to cap it all I was totally unaware of my folly.
Just longer than the
length of the hose down the road, I met an oncoming car, another
neighbour, so I pulled to the side of the narrow country road to
allow her to pass. She didn't pass. She just sat and stared. So I
looked in my rear view mirror … and I'm still giggling at the
memory of what I saw.
Alan was hurtling out
of the driveway, arms flailing in a futile attempt to call me back
and stop me, with a look of sheer horror on his face. Alan never
runs. He's a no-flap walker. So already I was smiling. Then I noticed
this long green snake trailing behind me with the plastic doo-dah on
the end, stopping my neighbour from comfortably passing me … and my silly exhausted giggle escaped!
You know that
uncontrollable giggle which happens when you're nervous or very
tired? Well that was me. I couldn't even tell the story to Maggie, my
neighbour, with any sense of intelligence at all, a few minutes later
when I arrived at her house to drop off a couple of ladders. She
gave up on me … I think she thought I'd finally flipped!
And I'm giggling
still, as I write this.
Our first night was spent at the beautiful lakeside in Lanouee, just 10 kms or so down the road from Lantillac.
Our first night was spent at the beautiful lakeside in Lanouee, just 10 kms or so down the road from Lantillac.
This will always be my favourite village lake. It's beautiful in all seasons and thoroughly used and appreciated by the folk of Lanouee. As well as the ducks! (None in this pic though)
Milly the Motorhome still looking clean on the first night on the road.
Above and below are the lovely views around Lanouee lake.
We had another good chuckle on the first morning on the road.
We were servicing Milly at the water tanks when a little white
car zoomed around the corner and pulled up in the road next to us.
And I mean in the road. No pulling off to the side to let
others pass or anything. Luckily there were no others.
I was busy persuading
Bridie to not go and eat the car's occupant whilst Alan went over to
the beckoning man to chat. Next thing, I see the guy jump out of his
car and whip around to the back seat from where he produced a
cellophaned package of some sort. The conversation between himself
and Alan was short, and within seconds he was back in his little car,
zooming off again. Alan came back with laughter in his eyes … he
was a sock salesman!
A sock salesman. Way
out in the country. Maybe he's found it's a good way to snare sitting
And on to our next experience .......